We open our season with “Pixie,” a spritely, delicious treat by Trey Makler, VSO’s Composer in Residence. We are excited to introduce Trey to you and honored to present the premiere of this new work. Next, Pianist Jared Redmond plays the first of three luscious piano concertos scheduled for this year: the Piano Concerto in F-Sharp Minor by Alexander Scriabin, a contemporary and classmate of Rachmaninoff. Scriabin’s concerto combines the passionate technique of Rachmaninoff with the grandeur and finesse of Chopin in a rapturous tour-de-force that will sweep you off your feet. Beethoven’s innovative Symphony No. 5 anchors the program. Its magisterial four-note theme has been described as “the sound of Fate knocking on the door.” The winds of revolutionary fervor blow through this early 19th-century work, in which Beethoven broke new ground that would transform the world of music forever.