
Safety Tips for Visiting Vallejo


Parked Cars

If you’re parking at the Vallejo Waterfront, or visiting a restaurant, or perhaps even just entering a store, there is always a risk when leaving valuables or bags with merchandise easily visible. Please do yourself a favor and hide your valuables when leaving your vehicle unattended. This is a known issue that is currently rampant throughout the Bay Area.

Important Contacts


Vallejo Police Department

Medical Emergency: 911

Non-Medical Emergency: (707) 648-4321

@Vallejopd on Twitter

See Click Fix

Access this site to report broken street lamps, leaks or any public works related issue.

Solano County Sheriff


@solanosherriff on Twitter

Vallejo Fire Department

Contact: (707) 648-4565

@VallejoFire on Twitter

City of Vallejo

@CityofVallejo on Instagram

California Highway Patrol

Contact: (707) 648-4180

Alert Solano

Twitter: @AlertSolano