Solano County Film Office
With the vast and diverse line-up of locations and teams ready to help you during your next project, filming in Solano County is one place where we can offer labor, materials, accommodations and locations that rival any Bay Area location.

Solano Film History

Film Solano County First

Find Your Next Shot Spot

Green Light Your Production.

The Vallejo/Solano County Film Office was formed in 1996 to generate economic activity for Solano County by attracting film production of all types. It is a member of Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI) and Film Liaisons in California, Statewide (FLICS).
Mission Statement: It shall be the policy of the Vallejo/Solano County Film Office to motivate, stimulate and encourage filmmakers, producers, location scouts and other decision makers to film in Solano County either on a temporary or permanent basis.
We Can Help With.......
Locations: We take pride in being familiar with the best locations in Solano County. We have extensive photo files which we can mail you or send to you electronically. If you are scouting Solano County we will help you save time by helping you to narrow your search to the right areas.
Permits: We have excellent relationships with all the cities in Solano County as well as the county government itself. We understand the workings of our local governments and local permit requirements. We can assist you in getting your permits completed in a timely manner.
Crew: A large, experienced, and knowledgeable crew base is located in both the San Francisco and Sacramento metro areas, as well as throughout Solano County. We will be happy to help you find any crew you might need.
Lodging: We can supply you with listings of lodging facilities throughout Solano County to help you find accommodations for your crews. The county has no hotel tax after 30 days and we offer modest to deluxe accommodations with affordable rates throughout the county.
Additional Assistance: Have other questions? Need a map, catering, hardware, or maybe a chiropractor? Call us for any additional assistance you might need. We know a lot about Solano County, where to find the goods and services you need at the best price. Don't hesitate to ask us to help make your production a success.
Kirk Smith
420 Virginia Street
Vallejo, CA 94590
707-562-5677 (Office)