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Touro's Deep Equity Now: Latina Panel

Touro University California’s “Deep Equity Now” series returns this year with sessions specifically geared for those involved in the deep work of equity, including ways to maintain their endurance through rest, recuperation, and rejuvenation.

In our current social climate, educators and other stakeholders are being inundated with more challenges than ever before. Whether through acts of violence & school shootings; racism and other forms of oppression; the political landscape; and the attacks on any form of critical thinking and questioning; the work persists and is ongoing.

While we work to try and solve the various issues with which we are confronted, we are left wondering, who cares for the healers and how do they find rest?

Featured Speakers

Dr. Olga DeJesus-Diaz and Dr. bel Reyes

March 28

Mare Island Brewing Co. Trivia Night

March 29

Mare Island Brewing Co. Trivia Night